To provide an efficient admissions service for in year applicants, children starting school in reception and children transferring from primary to secondary school. To ensure the service is fully co-ordinated with other local authorities and schools.
The portal is now open to apply for a school place for reception, infant-junior and secondary school for September 2024. In year applications for September 2023 - July 2024 are also open.
Register onto the Citizen Portal to apply .
All technical issues using the portal including account/registration and log in issues can be emailed to
In-year allocations are made on a weekly basis by the Admissions team and parents will be contacted by either the school where the child has been offered a place and/or by letter from the Admissions Team when a school place has been offered. Please do not call a school until you have been informed that your child has been offered a place there.
Admission Arrangements 2023-24
The Admission Code issued under Section 84 of the Standards and Framework Act 1998 stipulates that all admission authorities must determine their admission arrangements, including their PAN, every year, even if they have not changed from previous years.
The determined admission arrangements for Slough Borough Council community and voluntary controlled schools for 2023-24 is below:
- Admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools 2023-24 (Primary).
- Admission arrangements for community school (Wexham secondary) 2023-24.
Co-ordination arrangements for 2023-24
The School Standards and Framework Act 1998, as amended by the Education Act 2002 and supported by The School Admission (Co- ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012, requires Local Authorities to formulate a scheme for co-ordinating admission arrangements during the normal admissions round for all academies and maintained schools in their area. Academies are required to participate in the coordinated scheme.
Documents For Download
Primary Schools Admission Booklet
Secondary Schools Admission Booklet
Primary and Reception Admissions Cover Letter 2024-2025
Secondary Admissions Cover Letter 2024-2025
Contact Details:
Processing Queries - Telephone: 01753 875728 E-mail:
Service Queries - Henry Kannike (Admissions & Transport Manager) Telephone: 01753 787667 E-mail:
Technical issues - using the portal including account/registration and log in issues can be e-mailed to