The Childcare Act 2006 places a duty on local authorities to carry out a full Childcare Sufficiency Assessment every three years with an information refresh in the intervening years. The local authority is required to report annually to elected council members on how they are meeting their duty to secure sufficient childcare, and make this report available and accessible to parents.
The assessment involves:
- measuring the demand for childcare
- auditing the supply of childcare
- utilizing the information to identify any gaps in the provision of childcare.
Once the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) is completed, the local authority has a duty to make sure sufficient childcare is provided (as far as is reasonably practicable) for working parents, or parents who are studying or training for employment, for children aged 0 – 14 years (up to 18 years for disabled children).
For information and guidance about the Capital Development Programme please visit the Early Years Business Development page.