Arrangements for partnership working to safeguard children and vulnerable adults have changed.
The Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and Safeguarding adults board (SAB) have been replaced in 2019 by multi-agency safeguarding partnership arrangements.
Chapter 3 of government guidance, working together 2018 requires that every local authority, clinical commissioning group and police force must be covered by a local safeguarding arrangement and these must be published.
The three local safeguarding partners are:
- East Berkshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Director of Nursing and Quality
- Thames Valley Police: Slough Borough Commander
- Slough Local Authority; Statutory Directors of Children's Services and Statutory Director of Adult services, Chief executive
These three partners form the Slough Strategic Safeguarding Leaders group, provide overall strategic leadership to the safeguarding partnership system. Each has a shared and equal duty to lead the safeguarding system in Slough.
The partnership objectives can be summarised as:
- Children needing help, including child protection, get a swift informed and timely response appropriate to their need.
- Children at risk of, or experiencing sexual and other forms of exploitation will get the help and support they need.
- Children at risk of, or experiencing neglect get timely and sensitive help and support from the people working with them and they are safe.
- Children living with Domestic Abuse, at risk of FGM and other forms of violence get timely help and support to keep them safe.
- We work with Safer Slough partnership to ensure this group accounts for the impact it has on safeguarding young people involved in gangs and organised crime, and serious violence.
- Children who need safeguarding get help and support from skilled competent professionals as a result of evidence informed multi-agency training.
- More children, young people and families will be aware of internet safety
Membership is made up of representatives from:
Slough Local Authority, Slough Children's Trust, Primary, Secondary schools and colleges, Berkshire Health Care Foundation Trust, East Berkshire Clinical Commissioning group, Solutions 4 Health, Frimley Health Care Trust, The National Rehabilitation Service, The Community rehabilitation company and Thames Valley Police and Health Watch.
More details on the safeguarding partnership can be accessed here.