Early Years businesses range from individuals working on their own or group settings which can be open all year round or school term time only. For further information about the different types of provision please have a look at the documents below.
Offering accessible and high-quality childcare is the role of the early years provider and understanding and improving business performance supports this. Slough Early Years Service supports providers of all sizes to build sustainable and successful businesses and help them access the business support they need.
Providers are encouraged to use the training opportunities offered by Slough Early Years Service to support the professional development of staff members, thereby promoting quality provision and raising awareness of career progression opportunities.
Links with other Services
Ofsted registration requirements can be found at: https://online.ofsted.gov.uk/OnlineOfsted/default.aspx
When considering opening a new or expanding a current provision all providers are advised to make contact with Slough Borough Council Planning and Building Control Departments: https://www.slough.gov.uk/business/planning-and-building-control/
Capital Development Programme
In recent years the Annual Childcare Sufficiency Assessments in Slough have demonstrated a need for continued development of Early Years Places. There is currently an opportunity for new and existing Early Years providers to apply for capital funding through the Early Years Capital Development Programme to create new places. The details of the fund and application process can be found in the documents below.