Assessment and Moderation


Assessment within the early years is an important and integral part of learning and development. It is based on observations of children in their day to day learning and interactions to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles. Assessment is formative (on going and regular) and summative.

There are two summative statutory assessments completed in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS);

Slough Early Years service provides advice, guidance and training on all aspects of assessment in early years. The service recruits and trains a team of EYFS profile moderators responsible for external moderations of 25% of schools each year. Moderators are recruited from schools and teachers wishing to become moderators can contact the Early Years Service

How is this service funded

LA advisor support and moderation is funded from the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). There are no charges to providers for these services.

Who is this service for

Slough Early Years service provides early years providers in Slough with advice, guidance and training on all aspects of assessment in early years.

Slough schools receive an external moderation of their EYFS Profile data every four years.

Further details of service

The Progress check at age 2 is a short written summary that practitioners complete, for children attending an early years setting, when a child is aged between 24 months – 36 months. It must be discussed with parents and carers and provide information about;

  • their children’s development and progress, in at least the prime areas of learning
  • their strengths
  • any areas where progress is less than expected and the activities and strategies that the setting will be using to support these areas of developmental need

Health visitors also complete a 2 year old check and parents may be asked to support liaison between the early years and health professionals where additional support is required.  Integrated working between education and health can provide really effective benefits to the child and family.

The EYFS profile must be completed for every child attending an Early Years setting, in the summer term of the year when they reach 5 years old, and no later than the 30th June.

The EYFS profile summarises and describes children’s attainment at the end of the EYFS. It gives parents and year 1 teachers information on:

  • the child’s attainment in relation to the 17 early learning goals (ELG)
  • a short narrative describing the child’s 3 characteristics of effective learning

Information about the completion of the EYFS Profile is contained in the EYFSP Handbook and updated annually

Slough early years service provides schools and settings with advisor supported moderation opportunities throughout the academic year. EYFS Profile training is offered to all reception class teachers in the Spring term.