Early Years Pupil Premium

The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) gives providers additional funding to support three and four year old children from low income families. The funding rate is 53p per hour per eligible child.


Three and four year olds are eligible for EYPP on their child universal 15 hours entitlement if their family gets one of the following:

If a child qualifies for EYPP under more than one set of criteria they will only attract the funding once.

The checking process

For the local authority to check eligibility for EYPP providers must submit estimate and actual headcounts through the provider portal, as per the Provider Agreement. Providers should make sure:

  • all parental declaration forms are fully complete
  • thereby ensuring that settings have consent to share information with the local authority
  • enabling appropriate eligibility checks to be made.

Where a child is eligible for EYPP under the ‘other’ criteria listed below, the provider should make Slough Early Years Service aware of the child’s specific circumstances and make sure that appropriate details are recorded on the Parent Declaration Form.

Children who met the ‘other’ EYPP criteria

  • Are currently being looked after by a local authority in England or Wales.
  • They have left care in England or Wales through: an adoption order, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order.

The provider should make sure they have identified the disadvantaged children in their setting as part of the process for checking Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) eligibility. They will also use EYPP and any locally available funding streams or support to improve outcomes for this group.


For children who attract EYPP, funding will be paid in accordance with their actual hours of attendance based on the settings headcount submissions. Estimated headcount submissions, prior to the start of term, will support the settings to identify and plan for children accordingly. Settings must make sure they are able to demonstrate the benefit of the EYPP spend for the eligible child/children.

Effective use of EYPP

Possible ideas spending EYPP funding can be found at the Early Education website. This site also provides some case studies highlighting the benefits of targeting the EYPP spend.

If you need further information about EYPP please contact Slough Early Years Service on 07153 476583 or earlyyears@slough.gov.uk.