Early Years Inclusion


Early years providers must have arrangements in place to support children with SEND. All providers including maintained schools, maintained nursery schools and the Private, Voluntary and Independent sector must have regard to the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.(link is external)

Slough Early Years Service offers:

  • Termly EY SEND meetings providing information sharing, briefings and networking opportunities for SENDCOs.

The team manages a small fund (SEN EY Inclusion) to support individual children’s emerging SEND needs. Providers should request support and guidance from the Early Years Area SENDCO/SEND advisor to determine whether an application for a grant from this fund is an appropriate response to the child’s situation and needs. Please find attached documents below for access to the application form and guidance documents.

Applications for funding to support the gathering of evidence in preparation for an Education Health Care Plan are made to the SEND Service. The Early Years Area SENDCO/SEND advisor can advise on this process for Early Years Providers.


SEBDOS is a traded service which provides schools and early years settings with the support, advice and training to enable them to meet the needs of pupils/children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties.

The SEBD Outreach Service includes high quality and experienced practitioners from a range of professional backgrounds. Individual staff members have specific expertise relevant to work with early years, primary and secondary aged pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

The team offers bespoke advice and consultation to staff. It also offers support and training for practitioners around managing social, emotional and behaviour difficulties in the form of individual or group support. The work of the team is focused on early intervention and the prevention of crisis for children, their schools/settings and families.

Slough early years service has an agreed service level agreement with SEBDOS to offer support, advice and training to early years settings. This could include referrals for individual children, offering support for practitioners working with key children or specific training for the sector. The service works on a referral basis and these requests would be made directly to the SEBDOS team, please visit: https://littledownschool.co.uk/provisions/sebdos/(link is external).

For specific training requests please email: earlyyears@slough.gov.uk(link sends email)

How is this service funded

LA advisor support and the EY SEND inclusion fund are funded from the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) centrally retained.

Who is this service for

Slough Early Years service provides early years providers in Slough with advice, guidance and training on all aspects of inclusion and SEND services.