This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Senior Childcare Development Officer, Aneesa Younus, for the attention of managers, owners, headteachers, school governors, committee members and other leaders with overall responsibility for wraparound and out of school childcare provision.
Breakfast clubs early adopter guidance for schools and trusts in England
The government is committed to offering a free breakfast club in every state-funded school with primary aged pupils in England (the new breakfast club offer). Breakfast clubs are designed to break down barriers to opportunity, as well as tackle the impact of child poverty.
Free universal breakfast clubs give children a supportive start to the school day, ensuring they are ready to learn and make the most of the opportunities schools offer.
Schools that offer breakfast clubs report improvements in behaviour, attendance and academic attainment.
These are benefits that support children to achieve and thrive, while supporting teachers and school staff in their work.
Breakfast clubs also support families financially by reducing the costs of living.
There is more information available on a headteacher’s view on the benefits of breakfast clubs.
Read the full article here: Breakfast clubs early adopter guidance for schools and trusts in England - GOV.UK