This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Interim Senior EYFS Advisory Teacher, Karen Loft for the attention of all professionals working with children and families.
The Safeguarding Partnership training programme has some spaces available in March. If you would like to develop or refresh your skills in safeguarding, then this Free 2 hour virtual training could be for you. Spaces are limited and so I recommend you book as soon as possible. All our training is delivered virtually via Microsoft Teams and can be booked here.
Developing Competencies in Child Protection Case Conferences
Date: 3rd March 2022
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Target Audience
Staff and volunteers who work directly with children and families and would attend Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups.
This course is relevant for investigators (Police and social workers) and referrers alike.
- Apply practice standards in relation to Case Conferences
- Ensure child is the focus of the conference
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of conference attendees
- Overcome common barriers/challenges to achieving those standards
Difficult Conversations Regarding Neglect in Children’s Safeguarding, including the Use of the Thresholds and New Toolkit
Date: 9th March 2022
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Target Audience
This course is for all staff, who work with children and particularly those who have long term continuing relationships with them.
It is relevant for investigators (Police and social workers) and referrers alike.
The title reflects the skills involved in broaching this subject with parents and also communicating and sharing concerns to partners.
- Apply practice standards in relation to neglect
- Overcome common barriers/challenges to achieving those standards
- Apply the neglect toolkit in practice
- Apply the parent – child wellbeing tool in practice
- Use the neglect toolkit to devise multi-agency plans
The seminar will discuss non-compliance and consent issues as a key component of risk factors in neglect which we have learned from serious case reviews.
Exploitation of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
Date: 16th March 2022
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Target Audience
Staff or volunteers who need to work with partner agencies in recognising and responding to concerns of exploitation, including Child Exploitation, Criminal Exploitation, Gangs, Modern Slavery and Adult exploitation.
- Recognising vulnerability and risk factors
- Understanding the effects of exploitation on victims, perpetrators and families
- Understanding support available and referral processes
- Developing a multi agency support plan
- Providing challenge