PSHE Anti Crime workshops available to Slough Schools

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Young Peoples Service, Giovanni Ferri, on behalf of Charity Outside Chance for the attention of all Schools in Slough.

Charity Outside Chance can deliver FREE Anti Crime workshops to primary and secondary schools in Slough. They are fully funded by Heathrow Communities For Youth fund to deliver workshops for the 2018-2019 school year through to July 2019.

Workshops are age appropriate.  In primary schools, they deliver a 'transition' module to help prepare Year 6 students for the challenges they may face in moving up to 'big school'.  They address their two main concerns - making new friends and being bullied.

“The children learnt so much and many have said how interesting they found the session. […]The mix of hard hitting information, drama and videos/photos really helped the children to grasp the seriousness of the issues. However, there were also more light-hearted moments which lifted the mood and ensured that the children remained focused”.


- Mrs E Reith, Priory School

Their secondary school module is suitable for all year groups and covers multiple subjects, video clips are used to reinforce their messages. They tackle peer pressure, bullying, racism, hate crimes, binge drinking, homophobia, antisocial behaviour and gang culture, deglamourising crime in all its forms.  They take the viewer through life in a young offender institution with prison clothing, prison conditions and the short and long term consequences of a criminal record on potential employment, training opportunities, travel, credit, etc.

“Outside chance delivered a session to year 8 on crime, gangs and prison. The students were very engaged and I had lots of positive staff feedback, so much so that we booked them in again to deliver to year 9 students as well”.


- Miss N Bicknell, The Westgate School

The booking process is as follows: 

  1. Go to at
  2. Click on the 'Online Diary' link - top right hand corner of the 'Home' page - and their diary will open. You cannot book directly into the diary - it is only for showing availability.
  3. Choose a free date and call Victor on 020 8890 4941 or email him on  to make your booking.