Slough Governance Survey Feedback September 2018

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Governor Support Officer, Sharon James, for the attention of Headteachers, Chair of Governors and Clerk to Governors.

Firstly we thank everyone who took the time to respond to the survey, below is summary of the findings of the survey and the areas identified for further investigation.

  • 42 RESPONSES which represented the views of 29 schools = 55% of the 53 schools in Slough.
  • GOVERNOR VACANCIES the schools that responded confirmed that they would welcome assistance in sourcing school governors.
  • ACTION to investigate avenues to help attract and secure governor volunteers for Slough schools.
  • ONGOING GOVERNOR SUPPORT & GOVERNOR TRAINING the schools that purchased these services were happy with the service provided by the companies they used.
  • ACTION to investigate providing targeted local governor training in areas such as safeguarding, exclusion as and when the circumstances or need arises.
  • NETWORKING GROUPS some schools already attend networking groups but all would welcome local networking groups for; Chairs of Governors, Safeguarding Governors, SEND Governors, Pupil Premium Governors, new Governors and clerk to governors.
  • ACTION to investigate the viability of setting up local networking groups.

Any additional comments or suggestions you may have are welcome and we will look to provide a further update next term.   You can contact us by calling 07850 977901 or by emailing