Welcome to TheLink website for education professionals in Slough.
We hope that TheLink will become a powerful tool to strengthen the education system in Slough by supporting the communication of education priorities and facilitating collaboration across schools and settings.
TheLink website is funded by the Education Directorate in Slough Borough Council and is managed by the Business Support Team. It is aimed at current and future education professionals in Slough, particularly teachers and Early Years practitioners.
We have a strong and vibrant education system in Slough characterised by good educational outcomes for children and a growing spirit of collegiality and partnership working across schools and between schools and the LA.
TheLink will further strengthen the education system in Slough by improving the communication about provision, services, and local priorities. TheLink is a publicly available site, but staff and governors in Slough schools and Early Years settings are invited to become registered users to gain the full benefits of the website.
Vision for the Education System in Slough
We have a shared ambition with our school and setting leaders that every child should have an opportunity to fulfil their potential in order to live happy, healthy and successful lives. The school led improvement system will be at the heart of achieving that aim for excellence through robust challenge, support and collaboration.
Partnerships have a key role to play because they provide a rich combination of high expectations, innovative thinking and a strong community, within which all learners can thrive and achieve. We will develop a strong partnership approach across the Slough education community, working together to strengthen schools or settings and raise standards for all children, including the most vulnerable. We will take a proactive, collaborative approach to school improvement, developing the capacity of our schools and settings both to drive continuous improvement in their own institution and to reach out to support others.
The Local Authority (LA) will provide a strategic overview to facilitate and empower system improvement. We will sustain effective links with all local and regional partners including the Slough Teaching School Alliance, Regional Schools Commissioner and Ofsted, championing a positive approach which welcomes constructive challenge.