Foxborough Primary School

As head of school, I would like to welcome you all to our school. Foxborough Primary School is a very special place. Visitors comment positively about the school, from the children’s behaviour and their enthusiasm, to the staff’s ongoing commitment and dedication.

We understand the power of education and take very seriously our duty to give your children the best start in life. I am personally very proud to be a member of this community. The school recognises the value and uniqueness of each individual child and adult at Foxborough. We celebrate the talents and gifts of each child and enable them to develop to their full potential spiritually, morally, academically, socially and physically.

Our shared motto “Ad Astra” (Latin for “reach for the stars”) speaks of our commitment to be the best we can be and to help your children become successful and happy young people. Their learning and personal development are our driving force. Our interpretation of success extends beyond the academics and is encapsulated in the three strands of our mission statement: • being principled • being responsible • being purposeful. We continue to work in partnership with schools in the trust, parents and the community all of which act as the driver for continuous improvement.


Common Road

Contact & Information:

Head - Jessica Theisinger
01753 546376
Chair of governors
Gill Knight