Attendance - The Working Party Group

This event has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Senior Attendance & CME Officer, Samantha Da Costa, for the attention of School partners who work towards improving pupil attendance across Slough Schools. 

The Slough Attendance Service hosts a range of forums each term for our school partners who work together towards improving pupil attendance across Slough.

The sessions provide a shared platform for providing statutory guidance, reviewing statistical comparisons, understanding challenges and sharing good practice, all of which contribute to the continuous development of Slough's School Attendance Improvement Strategy

The Working Party Groups

The Working Party groups have been set up to develop good practice across Slough in relation to Persistent Absentee pupils. All schools were invited to attend and we now have a regular group who meet. If you feel your school would be able to contribute please contact your school’s allocated officer. The next dates are as follows:

Wednesday 7 February 2024

During the year the Attendance Service offer to schools, brief training on the services that we provide and key areas of the guidance.

Schools will receive invitations in order to be able to request a place, either as a refresher for a member of staff or training to support new team members.

To book your place please e-mail