This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Education Safeguarding Professional, Zarine Power for the attention of all schools.
Free CPD Workshop For Secondary Schools on Contextual Safeguarding
Slough Safer Partnership are holding a free workshop for all SLT, DSLs, safeguarding teams, Inclusion Leads and SENCOs in secondary settings looking at contextual safeguarding and the challenges schools are regularly facing.
Colin Michel will be facilitating the workshop. Colin has worked in children and young people’s services for more than 20 years as a manager, facilitator, and consultant in the voluntary and public sectors. Over the last few years, he has collaborated with local partnerships to support their development of adolescent safeguarding strategies. In 2022, Colin created Adolescent Safeguarding in London (ASIL) on behalf of the London Adolescent Safeguarding Oversight Board.
The purpose of the workshop is to enhance relational leadership, teaching and support capacities, knowledge and confidence for tasks and challenges faced by secondary education teaching and support practitioners in direct work.
By the end of the workshop, education practitioners will be more confident to:
- Define key features of adolescent safeguarding and relational, inclusive practice with students, and how these enhance secondary teaching and support work.
- Identify contexts where risk and harm happen in the lives of students – such as takeaway restaurants, high streets, parks, alleys, and housing estates and describe how to include this in educational safeguarding practice.
- Explain how to collaborate with children and young adults to explore perceptions of safety and harms, such as child on child harms, violence, and exploitation.
- Outline some practice tools to involve children and young adults in safety-creation and for better quality information-gathering, understanding, reflection and analysis about strengths, needs, risks and harms.
The workshop is free to all secondary SLT, DSLs, Safeguarding teams, Inclusion Leads and SENCOs.
The workshop is on 19 March 2025 from 9.30 – 12.30 at Langley Grammar School – Please email to book spaces for your school.
Refreshments will be available.
This is a great opportunity for all secondary schools to get together and collaborate, thinking about how we can support our students to keep them safe in the local community.