Early Years | SEND PVI Network Meeting


This meeting has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Interim Workforce Development and Sufficiency Coordinator, Clare Thompson, for the attention of managers and SENCo’s from the private, voluntary and independent sector.

This meeting is by invite only. If you have not received an invite, please contact the event organiser by emailing thelink@slough.gov.uk. If you have received an invite and are unsure of how to register, please download the following instructions: https://thelink.slough.gov.uk/file-download/download/public/860

The SEND PVI network meeting is designed for managers and SENCo’s from the private, voluntary and independent sector. The network providers participants with the opportunity to network, receive national and local update information and share good practice.

This meeting will take place online via Zoom, details of how to join will be sent to you once you have registered.

The last date to book your space is Wednesday 23rd June 2021.
