As part of the LA Partnership Offer we facilitate networks for Senior Leaders of Partner Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools each half term.
These are an opportunity to hear about a range of provision and initiatives in the diverse schools of our town, share triumphs and challenges and seek solutions to challenges you might be faced with as leaders. They are a source of professional development for both presenters and attendees.
Leaders from representative schools in the authority have discussed and devised the programme for the coming year. This is included below:
- 23/09/21 - Attendance – analysis, reasons and ideas to address
- 18/11/21 - ‘Catch up Curriculum’ what your school is doing challenges and ideas
- 20/01/22 - The broader curriculum – your school’s approach, challenges and ideas
- 17/03/22 - Monitoring and evaluation – your role as senior leader, approaches, challenges and ideas
- 05/05/22 - What has gone well – review of the last two terms
- 23/06/22 - Planning for next year – working party
These will all be held remotely. Once you have booked a link will be sent to you prior to the meeting.
As up to four leaders from each school can attend each network please discuss your interest with your headteacher before you book.
If you or another leader would like to showcase practice at your school at one of these please let us know.
For further details about networks for secondary schools please contact School Effectiveness Partner Peter Rodin at
We look forward to seeing leaders from your school at these sessions.