Peer on Peer Harmful Sexual Behaviour Training (Secondary)

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Principal Health & Wellbeing Project Officer for Schools, Susan Dyer, for the attention of Secondary school and college staff who teach RSHE.


This is an interactive workshop session for Secondary school and college staff who teach RSHE.

During this training we will be covering the following:

  • What is peer on peer harmful sexual behaviour and how widespread is it?
  • What young people have said they need from the curriculum.
  • What to teach in Relationships Education and when.
  • Resources for addressing the most sensitive topics
  • Good practice e.g. creating a safe environment for teacher and pupils, using facilitative techniques and managing discussions, answering questions and the use of outside speakers and facilitators.
  • There will also be a sample session to trial a resource and model good practice.