Raise, Engage, Refer Training (HENRY approach)

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council on behalf of the Public Health Services team for the attention of all schools.

Public Health Children and Young People Team identified HENRY intervention as the evidence-based approach which adopts a holistic approach that brings together these key factors, focusing on parenting, family lifestyle habits, nutrition, physical activity, and emotional wellbeing. 

As part of our multi layered approach, we are offering training to practitioners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to tackle sensitive lifestyle issues and make every contact count. 

The Raise, Engage, Refer training is suitable for a wide range of practitioners who work with children and young people and their families such health practitioners, nursery nurses, family support workers, health visitors , school nurses, midwives, children’s centre or family hub staff, outreach workers, nursery staff, childminders, volunteers and many more.

The training is fully paid for (free for practitioners) and is approved by the Royal Society of Public Health.

The training sessions are delivered online. Practitioners must attend both training dates i.e. session 1 and session 2

Session 1-Slough


Wed 26-Feb-2025

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Session 2- Slough


Wed 05-Mar-2025

1:00 PM - 3:15 PM


To register please email Public Health Officer, Shannu Pudaruth on shannu.pudaruth@slough.gov.uk by Monday 3rd February 2025 with the following details:

  1. Your name:
  2. Your job role:
  3. Your organisation:
  4. Your email address:
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