The Government requires that each Local Authority maintains a Schools Forum in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act 2002 and subsequent regulations (in line with the Schools Forums (England) Regulations 2012 (S.I 2012/2261) (as amended).
The Forum comprises of school and academy representatives and non school members. A written record of the membership is maintained and available on request form the Clerk to the Forum: Catherine Cochran.
The Forum meets at least four times a year and is chaired (with effect from 1st September 2018) by John Constable, Headteacher of Langley Grammar School. Meetings of the Forum are scheduled for the academic year and agreed by the Schools Forum in advance.
The Forum acts as a consultative body on some issues and a decision making body on others. The Forum acts in a consultative role for changes to the local funding formula, and for arrangements for pupils with special educational needs, in pupil referral units, and in early years provision.
The forum makes decisions on matters such as how much funding may be retained by the local authority within the dedicated schools grant (for example, providing an admissions service, or providing additional funding for growing schools), any proposed carry forward of deficits on central spend from one year to the next, and changes to the scheme of financial management for maintained schools.
The Schools Forum will agree to establish, as and when appropriate, task related sub-groups to discuss specific issues, and to produce draft advice and recommendations for the Schools Forum itself to consider. These groups can, where it is considered appropriate, include wider representation to ensure that the necessary expertise is included in the group. There are currently 3 task groups:
Meetings of the Forum are open to the public. Any member of the public may attend but may only ask questions or join in the discussion if specifically asked to do so by the Chair. The Chair may require that an item of business is considered by the Forum in private and may therefore exclude the press and public. Any such items will normally be taken at the end of the agenda.
Agendas, reports and minutes are available to the public through the Slough Borough Council website.
Dates and times of next meetings
10th October 2018 | 08:00 - 10:00 | Beechwood Research and Conference Centre, Long Readings Lane, Slough, Berkshire, SL2 1QE
4th December 2018 | 08:00 - 10:00 | Beechwood Research and Conference Centre, Long Readings Lane, Slough, Berkshire, SL2 1QE
Please have a look at the attachments below for more information.