Slough Education Partnership Board Meeting

The Board will develop, promote and sustain the vision for education in Slough. It will ensure that there is a coherence and strategic oversight and leadership of education issues by Headteachers and Slough Borough Council across 5 thematic areas.

The main functions of the Board is to provide a strategic lead, develop, promote and sustain the educational vision and develop coherent collaborative approaches to education in Slough.  The Board also promotes consultation, debate, discussion and acts as an advisory and pressure group. 

The meeting consists of three secondary Headteachers, three primary Headteachers, one special school and nursery Headteacher, a Teaching School Alliance representative, the Principal of East Berkshire College and LA representatives.  This meeting is co chaired by the Director of Children's Services (DCS) and a Headteacher Rep nominated by the school members. 

Please see below document for more information.

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