Early Excellence | Developing Language In Early Years

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Advisory Teacher, Karen Loft, for the attention of all Early Years and Childcare Practitioners.

Navigating The Sea Of Talk

Being a reflective teacher, we’re often told, is the key to developing effective practice. Realistically though, within the busy school day with many demands on teachers’ time, having the opportunity to stand back and consider our practice is a real rarity. At Early Excellence, we’re often talking to teachers and schools about the biggest challenges they are facing at the moment in their classrooms, and since the pandemic, a concern around the development of language and communication has been top of the list for most teachers. With children having spent a long time indoors, or on their own during their most vital early years, it’s not surprising that talk and communication have taken a bit of a hit.

For the full article please follow this link: Developing language in Early Years (earlyexcellence.com)