Heatwave and Potential School Closure w/c 18th July 2022 - URGENT

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Associate Director of Education & Inclusion Johnny Kyriacou for the attention of all headteachers.


The weather alert has moved to red from amber today and we understand some schools have taken steps for part closure. However we have only been informed by one school of this closure.

My previous email was regarding schools taking their own decisions based on risk assessment. This is around obligations in informing the LA.

I am now attaching the form that all schools must fill in, regardless of academy or maintained status. This is a statutory process and used to inform the DfE on closures as matter of course.

The LA will then update their website so residents can see which schools are open, closed or partially closed.

Can I please urge that you send this today if you have made any decisions. Thanks for you co-operation.

Please send the form back to Ed Help2 Ed.Help2@slough.gov.uk

If you want to speak to anyone please call Sabi Hothi – School Services Manager on 07542229065.