PPEPCare Training

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Inclusion Lead, Samantha Caley on behalf of PPEPCare for the attention of all schools.

Please note we have now gone live with our new PPEPCare Training online booking system.

Our Psychological Perspectives in Education and Primary Care (PPEPCare) training has been designed to help all staff teams and parents & carers in Berkshire to recognise, understand and support children and young people experiencing mental health difficulties. The training is offered to teams working with children and young people and families using psycho-education and other relevant evidence based psychological techniques, such as using a cognitive behavioural framework. 

Training consists of instructive teaching is delivered by a qualified member of our local CAMHS services. 

Our PPEPCare modules were developed and written by experts in the field and are based on the most up to date research.

Our training is not designed to turn staff or families into psychological therapists, but does provide opportunities to develop your knowledge, skills and confidence to talk about and work with the common mental issues that young people present with.

To book onto our module sessions, please visit our CAMHS Berkshire website or click here: Children and Young people mental health services in Berkshire

Please do share this with your colleagues and/or families you support.

For any queries related to this training please contact us: PPEPCare@berkshire.nhs.uk

Free Mental Health Training (PPEP Care) Module Pilot Session | The Link