RADLD | Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Advisory Teacher, Karen Loft, for the attention of all Early Years and Childcare Practitioners.

May be a graphic of poster, magazine and text that says "LANGUAGE IS... CONTENT The meanings conveyed Events •Objects .Actions Relationships The structures used Phonemes combine to make morphemes /tako/ Morphemes combine to make words. taco tacos Words combine to make sentences. Let's make tacos please And sentences combine to make discourse. FORM USE The speaker's goals Describe Conince Request Predict Let's make tacos please RA DLD Developmental Language Disorder limits FORM, CONTENT & USE Learn more at ald.org"

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is when a person has difficulty with language, but what actually is 'language'?

This poster breaks it down so it's a bit easier to understand, using 'content, form and use.' DLD impacts on all of these levels. Words, sentences and how they are used can all be impacted. For many people with DLD understanding and expression are challenging.

#DLDday is on Friday October 20th 2023. Jon us and raise awareness of DLD. radldl.org