Secondary PSHE Network Meeting

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Health & Wellbeing Project Officer, Susan Dyer, for the attention of Secondary School PSHE/Health & Wellbeing Leads.

The Slough secondary school PSHE network was set up in response to a request from Slough Youth Parliament to try and bring a more co-ordinated approach to PSHE across the Slough schools, particularly in the face of upcoming changes to the curriculum in the area of Relationships and Sex Education.

Slough Association of Secondary Heads have asked Daniel Mace from Langley Grammar and Tom Shepheard from Wexham to take the lead on a Slough PSHE network, together with Nadine Barrett from Slough Borough Council's Young People’s Service and Susan Dyer, Slough Borough Council’s Schools Health & Wellbeing Project Officer.

The first meeting of the network took place in January 2018, when a number of subject leaders and deputy head teachers met representatives of Slough Youth Parliament at Herschel Grammar and discussed setting up the network as well as a range of specific questions that were submitted to the governments’ review of Relationships and Sex Education. The network also agreed for:

  • All the co-ordinators and leaders to meet once each term,
  • To audit our current provision across all the schools and use that information to start moving towards creating sort of ‘core content’ with a common set of timings and themes,
  • To create a network that shares ideas / teaching resources / co-ordinates cross-school events.

The network used the results of the audit to move forward with creating a draft for an aligned curriculum. We decided that perhaps we just aim for a very small amount of aligned content and gradually use the Slough Network meetings to move things around and bring them in alignment as we go, for example to include the healthy choices programme (from Lime Engage) which is currently being co-designed with secondary schools, and will then be piloted before being rolled out for Year 7’s from September 2019.

Last Network Meeting

Monday 20th May 2019

Next Network Meeting

Monday 25th November 2019, 2.00pm - 3.30pm at Baylis Court School

If you would like to know more about the work of the network, who is represented from your school or if you would like to attend the next meeting on 25th November, please contact:

Susan Dyer, Schools Health & Wellbeing Project Officer, 07753 316916,