Slough Heads Together

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council on behalf of Wexham Court Primary School for the attention of All Slough Primary and Nursery Headteachers. 

Heads Together is an initiative aimed at Primary and Nursery Headteachers. Through half-termly sessions, we will meet to problem solve, discuss and collaborate over the persistent problems school leaders face. As expressed in the ATV’s, there is a lot of very good practise to share and a number of issues we are all trying to grapple with. These sessions are about us supporting each other rather than related to the Local Authority.

Each session will be held at a different school, hopefully by a different Headteacher with some light reading sent out prior to the session. The first session will be hosted at Wexham Court Primary School with a focus on School Improvement. Subsequent session will be announced nearer the time.

Mariya Shafiq (PA to the headteacher at Wexham Court Primary) will send the link out for each session once a lead has stepped forward. It would be helpful to gage the numbers attending for our own logistical purposes.

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See below the poster for more information.