Statutory Reception Baseline Assessment for Reception Pupils

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Interim Senior Advisory Teacher EYFS & EYFS Moderation Manager, Sharon Rose on behalf of The Standards and Testing Agency. This is for the attention of Headteachers, Early Years leads and Assessment leads.

The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) is now statutory. Schools must administer the RBA to all eligible pupils in the first six weeks after they enter reception.

Quality monitoring visits will take place in a sample of schools. We will contact the schools to arrange suitable dates. All visits will follow any current Covid guidance. Local authorities (LAs) should be aware that the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) are responsible for the monitoring of the RBA and LAs are not expected to undertake any school visits.

If you or any schools in your local authority have any questions, please contact the RBA helpline on 0330 088 4171 or email

Information: assessment update sent to schools

The information sent to schools on 7th September 2021 includes updates and links for:

Primary Assessment General

  • Reminder: The engagement model

This is now statutory for use from September 2021 for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum assessments and not engaged in subject-specific study. STA has published guidance on the statutory requirements for using the engagement model. Schools can no longer assess pupils against P scales 1 to 4.

Further information will be available in the 2021/22 assessment and reporting arrangements scheduled to be published later in the autumn term