Upcoming Safeguarding Events

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Jatinder Matharu, Education Safeguarding Professional, for the attention of all professionals working with children, young people and families.

Brought to you by: PC 5771 Louise Sloane, Schools Officer/Safeguarding Team

Audience: Secondary and post 16+provision educators

Content: (Including an attachment) Hope Hack 2022 - What would make for a fairer, safer society?

The Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit is inviting your school to participate in the first of a series of youth voice workshops taking place across the UK in 2022.

The sessions are suitable young people aged 16 – 19, ideally from a mix of backgrounds and perhaps those with greater experience of growing up facing adversity or who have strong views on how society could be improved. This is an opportunity for them to work with around 100 of their peers to directly identify the issues they face and find ways that we can work together to address them.

Would you have anyone who you feel would be suitable to participate? They would have the opportunity to be involved in the event, if they wish they could go further and become a “Young Ambassador” with the VRU and the Hope Collective.  And they may even be chosen to join the national young person’s panel presenting the findings to senior government politicians and officials later this year.

The “Hope Hack” event will take place on Friday 4 March 2022 at the Madejski Stadium, Reading from 9:30am to 4:00pm


Brought to you by: Rhian Richards, Housing Regulation Manager, Place and Community-Regulation

Audience: Family support workers, DSL’s/DDSL’s and other professionals supporting families in Slough

Content: Many families seek support from schools when they are in need. Some support for households on low incomes can apply for funding for energy efficiency works in their home to reduce their energy bills.

Slough has received £396,000 from the Local Authority Delivery (LAD) scheme to help those likely to be in fuel poverty.

Funding for those eligible can be used towards insulation and ventilation upgrades, an upgrade to a low carbon heating system, heating controls so you only heat the home when needed, replacement of single glazed windows, energy-efficient hot water systems to keep water warm for longer, solar panels to generate free electricity and energy efficient lighting.  Please signpost any families in need to the information here(link is external)


Brought to you by: Jatinder Matharu

Audience: Head teachers, DSL’s/DDSL’s, Pastoral leads and MH leads

Content: Funding for Mental Health Training for schools

The Department for Education (DfE) is offering a £1,200 grant for a senior member of school or college staff to access quality assured training to implement an effective whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing in your setting. Grants of £1,200 are now available to eligible state schools and colleges in England who meet the conditions set out below and wish to commence training before 31 May 2022. This is part of the government’s commitment to offer this training to all eligible schools and colleges by 2025.

Click here(link is external) for more information.


Brought to you by: Jatinder Matharu

Audience: PHSE/RSE Leads DSL/DDSL and pastoral teams

Content: DfE Tackling Sexual Abuse and Harassment in Schools Webinars

Join the Department for Education and subject experts for a series of three free 90 minute webinars to support high quality delivery of relationships, sex and health education (RSHE).

The webinars will focus on three important topics:

  • Domestic abuse – Wednesday 2nd March 16:00 – 17:30
  • Pornography – Wednesday 9th March 16:00 – 17:30
  • Sexual exploitation – Wednesday 16th March 16:00 – 17:30

Register - Contact Details (orcula.com)(link is external)


Brought to you by: Jatinder Matharu

Audience: DSL’s, DDSL’s and senior leaders, governors and administrators who may be involved in recruitment processes.

Content: Safer Recruitment Training – 3rd March 2022

There are places available for safer recruitment training on 3rd March 2022. Safer Recruitment training supports managers to meet several of the statutory duties relating to recruitment, including the suitability of staff, vetting procedures and referrals to the disclosure and barring service

Click here to book the session.


Brought to you by: Jatinder Matharu

Audience: For experienced DSL’s, DDSL’s.

Content: Experienced DSL training – 10th March 2022

There are a few places remaining for the experienced DSL training offering experienced DSL’s and DDSL’s with a refresher on key messages including updates to Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021), mental health, online harms and criminal exploitation of children

Click here to book the session.


Brought to you by: Jatinder Matharu

Audience: For DSL’s, DDSL’s, pastoral teams, senior leaders, and governors.

Content: Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service | SWGfL(link is external)

In response to the 2021 Ofsted review, which revealed a prevalence of child-on-child sexual harassment and abuse so widespread that, for some children, incidents are ‘so commonplace that they see no point in reporting them’ and ‘consider them normal’, the Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service(link is external), run by SWGfL(link is external) in partnership with the Marie Collins Foundation(link is external), is now available to safeguarding professionals. It provides the tools to equip and empower practitioners with:

  • Advice on individual cases or incidents of harmful sexual behaviour, to ensure an appropriate response both for children displaying this behaviour and others affected by it
  • Guidance on policy development on tackling harmful sexual behaviour
  • Relevant resources, best practice and contacts around harmful sexual behaviour, both locally and nationally

The telephone is available by calling 0344 255 0623 or you can email hsbs@swgfl.org.uk(link sends email) for support, which is funded by the Home Office and developed in collaboration with the Department for Education, is available Monday – Friday, 8am to 8pm.