Update EYFS Profile 2020/21

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Interim Senior Advisory Teacher EYFS & EYFS Moderation Manager, Sharon Rose, for the attention of Headteachers, EYFS Assessment Leads and Reception Teachers.

Ministers have decided it will not be mandatory to complete the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) assessment in 2021 but instead will be asking schools to make ‘best endeavours’ to undertake it.

This is in recognition of the additional pressures and uncertainties that teachers are facing during this challenging time. This also aligns with the approach on KS1 and KS2 assessments this year. However, DfE recognise that the EYFSP is a valued assessment by teachers and early years professionals and is a crucial tool in supporting children’s development and the transition from reception to year 1.

It is for that reason DfE will be asking teachers and early years practitioners to use their best endeavours to still complete the EYFSP for children in the summer term if at all possible and to provide this important information to parents and to year 1 teachers, should the situation at the time allow. This will be a judgement for schools and teachers depending on their individual circumstances and will in many cases depend on the coming weeks and months.

We know many schools found they could complete the EYFSP in 2020, particularly due to its nature as a teacher-led assessment. Schools who decide they are able to complete the EYFSP this year and provide this information to parents and year 1 teachers will not be subject to statutory external moderation. There will be no requirement to submit data to the local authority or to confirm whether they have completed the EYFSP to DfE.

This change applies to schools who are early adopters of the Early Years Foundation Stage reforms, as well as schools who are following the current statutory framework. 

The following link takes you to the DfE Statutory Guidance document Early Years Foundation Stage: coronavirus disapplications where there is further information about the EYFS profile.

The LA Early Years Moderation Team are available to provide support and guidance so if there is anything specific you would like to discuss about the EYFS Profile or early years assessment please contact  sharon.rose@slough.gov.uk or karen.loft@slough.gov.uk.