Workforce Development Campaign

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's, Early Years, Clare Thompson, Coordinator Childcare Development, Early Years and Prevention for the attention of Schools with nursery classes, nursery schools, PVI managers / owners .

Slough Early Years Service is in the process of developing a Workforce Development Campaign that aims to promote working with children in Slough, linking with the national and local Workforce Strategies (see below attachments).

The main focus of the campaign will support awareness raising of different roles working with children and young people in the early years and childcare sector.

 There will be 3 sub-areas which we will be promoting:

  1. Men in childcare (we are looking for male staff to take part)
  2. Recruitment of childminders (we are looking for childminders to take part)
  3. People who are considering a change of career (we are looking for people who changed their career to work in the early years and childcare sector)

We are encouraging practitioners to write a brief case study, using the following questions as a guide. We would like to use the case studies to raise awareness of the possibilities with in the sector.

  • Who you are and what you do e.g. job role, course
  • How you got into the role you are in?
  • What you love about it?
  • What your aspirations are for the future?
    We are looking for some people who would also be happy to have their photo taken (not all case studies will need a photo). This could include photos of children you work with, in your setting, who would need permission to be part of the campaign. We plan to use the material on our website, in council marketing materials and at our ‘working with children’ information session. If you would like to write a short case study and/or would like to be part of the marketing campaign please email