Haybrook College

Our school vision underpins everything we do:

“inspiring and supporting young people to make positive choices about the future.”

While offering students personalised teaching and learning pathways, that will allow them to achieve both academically and socially, we want them to be and to feel like valued members of society. An important part of this is through gaining access to further education courses of study and securing employment that matches their needs and skill sets.

The most important aim for the school is that it equips all students with the qualifications and skills needed to progress in their education and/or gain employment upon leaving the school. And the school remains extremely proud of its record on this front.

As well as being a small special school called Millside School, we also have pupil referral which offers five unique programmes at KS4, as well as a range of ‘revolving door ‘provision at KS3, which is highly successful in supporting young people to maintain or return to mainstream placements.

Since September 2013, we also provide a post-16 provision called The Gateway, through an innovative collaboration with the Slough Pitstop Charity. This has also ensured that we are in a position to offer a range of vocation courses in motor vehicle and construction, as well as catering at our highly successful catering training facility, Kitchen Craft. Young people from local schools can also access this provision and have benefited greatly from this vocational pathway.

The day-to-day running of each school or programme is managed by a head of centre, who ensures that each student receives excellent care, guidance and support to achieve their best. We are able to support our students to become successful and independent young people by offering flexible, personalised education, taught in small groups by highly skilled staff. In January 2016 we became a part of the Haybrook College Trust. The college has an overarching board, chaired by David Tottingham and an executive head teacher – Helen Huntley. The board has responsibility for leading the overall strategic direction of the college and ensuring that a consistently high standard of education takes place for all students.


112 Burnham Lane

Contact & Information:

Headteacher- Jamie Rockman
01628 696076
Chair of governors
Julia Shepard