This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Education Safeguarding Professional, Jatinder Matharu, for the attention of All DSL and DDSLs.
Please find detailed below new guidance from the DfE on challenging victim blaming and a safety planning guide for Harmful sexual behaviours. Also attached are the details of services who are available to offer advice and guidance on HSB and sexual harassment.
Challenging victim blaming language and behaviours when dealing with the online experiences of children and young people (DfE)
Victim blaming is any language or action that implies (whether intentionally or unintentionally) that a person is partially or wholly responsible for abuse that has happened to them. It is harmful and can wrongfully place responsibility, shame or blame onto a victim, making them feel that they are complicit or responsible for the harm they have experienced.
This newly launched guidance helps professionals to understand that children can never be expected to predict, pre-empt or protect themselves from abuse, and irrespective of the content or circumstance, the responsibility always lies with the person who abused the child or young person. The guidance also offers practical steps to help professionals practice and advocate for an anti-victim blaming approach, in a constructive and supportive way. Download the guidance here: Challenging Victim Blaming Language And Behaviours When Dealing With The Online Experiences Of Children And Young People
Safety Planning in Education: A guide for professionals supporting children following incidents of harmful sexual behaviour
Our new guide provides practical support for those in education settings to respond to children’s needs and safety when incidents of harmful sexual behaviour occur. It is split into two: Part A looks at the key actions for a school when an incident of harmful sexual behaviour has occurred, including a safety plan template for recording and reviewing arrangements, whilst Part B focusses on broader practical advice such as how to communicate with children, and their parents, and an appendix with useful links and resources.
Developed by professionals for professionals, the Safety Planning in Education guide has been robustly reviewed by academics, teachers, Headteachers, Local Authority safeguarding leads and designated safeguarding leads across a variety of settings including faith schools, residential, mainstream primary and secondary schools, special schools and pupil referral units. Safety Planning in Education - CSA Centre
Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service
SWGfL have a new support service for professionals in tackling harmful sexual behaviours. Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service