DfE Weekly Pulse Survey

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Interim Senior Advisory Teacher EYFS & EYFS Moderation Manager, Sharon Rose on behalf of the DfE. This is for the attention of all Early Years settings.

The Department for Education (DfE) is currently emailing all early years providers to take part in a weekly ‘pulse’ survey during January and February to understand the impact of COVID on early years settings.

The information you provide will be crucial to obtaining an accurate picture of the issues that the childcare and early years sector are facing on a regular basis; gathering the most essential information about operating status, the impact of workforce issues and children’s attendance directly from EY providers. The very short weekly survey should take you less than 5 minutes to complete!

The first survey went live on Monday 10 January 2022 so please look out for the email.

In the survey one question refers to SBP - School based providers


If you would like to speak with the EY team about any of the information above please do call:

Sharon Rose – 0792 0287687, Karen Loft – 0751 1048377 or Danielle Mercer – 0770 936674.