This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Project Support Officer, Aneesa Younus, for the attention of the All Early Years Settings.
The Early Years Inclusion Grant is available to support the inclusion of children aged 2, 3 & 4 years old with low level / emerging special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) who attend registered early years provision.
In the current climate it may be a good time to think about applying for a grant to support those children returning to the setting.
The grant could be used to apply for the following:
- Specific resources or equipment
- Funding for targeted or bespoke training on specific issues or conditions
- Short term funding for additional capacity to support the inclusion for a specific child or groups of children which will enable the setting to be fully inclusive - where all other options have been tried/explored
- Support for transition arrangements, the grant is not intended to be used for children who require long term one to one adult support
If you would like to access the application form please click here.