Early Years Ofsted and Statistic Updates | April 2019

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Quality Care and Learning Manager, Sharon Lindsay, on behalf of Early Years and Prevention Service Lead, Michael Jarrett.  This is for the attention of Early Years Settings and Early Years Foundation Stage in Schools.

Early Years Compliance Handbook Update

  • There is an additional section on telephone work to the regulatory activity section and updated the policy about hearing objections and risk assessment thresholds.
  • The surveillance section has been removed - this will be published separately.
  • The table of disqualifiable offences has been removed, as this is published by the Department for Education.
  • The references to pocket notebooks have been removed as inspectors now choose the most appropriate way to record evidence.

To find out more please visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-provider-non-compliance-action-by-ofsted.


Draft Early Years Inspection Framework

The consultation on this draft closes on the 5th of April.  If you wish to be a part of this consultation please visit https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/education-inspection-framework-2019-inspecting-the-substance-of-education.

A copy of this draft framework can be accessed by visiting: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ofsted-inspection-handbooks-drafts-for-consultation.

The consultation emphasises that the proposed framework puts greater emphasis on the quality of education and care as a whole, reducing the focus on data.  The proposed inspection judgements are;

  • Quality of education,
  • Behaviour and attitudes,
  • Personal development,
  • Leadership and management.

There will continue to be a sharp focus on safeguarding.


Childcare Providers and Inspections

This publication contains recent statistics relating to the Early Years sector and can be accessed by visiting https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/childcare-providers-and-inspections-as-at-31-december-2018.

The document shows that registered childminder numbers have continued to decrease but the overall number of childcare places on the Early Years Register has remained fairly stable.