This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Service Lead for Schools, Johnny Kyriacou, on behalf of Slough Borough Council's Senior H&S Adviser, Vicki Swift for the attention of all schools.
As you are aware from the media, cases of COVID are rising in the general community across the country. Please can we remind you that if any members of staff or pupils display symptoms of COVID they must immediately self isolate and seek a COVID test. Schools are also now required to inform the DfE.
Pupils and staff that start to display symptoms during the day must be removed from class, isolated in the school and collected as soon as possible.
Attached to this article are the latest PHE South East Suspected and Confirmed COVID Case flowchart for your ease on how to handle suspected and actual cases.
We can also confirm that the following documents have also been updated to reflect the change in legal requirements:
- PHE Suspected and Confirmed COVID Case (Referring to the DfE notification requirements)
- Implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings checklist
- Implementing protective measures for out of school settings checklist (Before and after school clubs etc.)
Working together we can play our part in reducing transmissions levels within Slough.