Young Film Programmers to Launch at The Curve

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Programme and Development Officer at The Curve, Dayna White, for the attention of Secondary School Headteachers, Heads of Year 11 and Media Teachers.

We’ve got a great new opportunity coming up this year for young people interested in having a go at programming film here at The Curve.  We’re working with Film Hub South East and Resource Productions to bring this opportunity to the young people of Slough.  It’s a chance for young people aged 16-25 to volunteer and learn skills in event management, film screenings, programming, marketing and much more!

We’re launching this project on Saturday 9th Feb at The Curve with a screening of SOLO: A Star Wars Story at 12pm and we want anyone interested in becoming a Young Film Programmer to come along to hear more about what they can get up to as part of this opportunity - they can book their free tickets by clicking here(link is external) with a discount code: YFP2019.

We would love it if you could share this opportunity with your students and young people aged 16+, either to come along to the screening on Sat 9th Feb or to drop us an email at sends email) for more information - we would love to hear from them.  We’re also available to come and speak to your students or young people about this opportunity, just let us know when is best for you!

We would really appreciate it if you could display the attached and embedded poster in your school/college library/common room or if you could share on your social media/digital platforms.  

If you would like anymore information or if you are interested in getting involved in the project in any way I would love to hear from you. 

Please email sends email) or sends email) and we will be in touch!




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