Knife Crime

Safeguarding children and young people in education from knife crime (Ofsted, March 2019)

The Knife Crime (Ofsted, 2019) research sought to find out: 

  • What are schools…doing to safeguard young people from knife crime while on school premises?
  • How are schools…giving children the knowledge and skills to stay safer in their local communities?
  • How are exclusions being used when children bring knives to school?

Home Office #knifefree lesson plans for KS3&4

One of the challenges outlined on the Ofsted research report was the problem of finding high-quality resources to help talk about knife crime with pupils. The Home Office and the PSHE Association have a set of materials for use with Key Stage 3 and 4.

Youth Offending Team; Weapons Awareness and Serious Youth Violence sessions:

The Youth Offending Team offer workshops to schools to address Weapons Awareness and Serious Youth Violence’. They also notify and share the risk assessments children on YOT caseloads for a more coherent response is provided for the young person.  If schools have any questions they can contact Scott on: 01753 69 0447 or


Bloody Hand picture