Two PSHE Networks have been established in Slough, one for the primary age group and one for the secondary and post 16 age group.
The aim of the Networks is to provide a forum for PSHE/Health & Wellbeing Leads (or equivalent) to obtain information, share good practice and make links with colleagues in other schools and organisations. The Networks will also support effective multi agency working to assist the delivery of PSHE and promotion of health and wellbeing within Slough schools and other education provision.
Participation in the Networks is open to all education provision in Slough including maintained, community, voluntary aided, free, academy, faith and independent schools. Schools and education providers may have one or more participants. Other key agencies, services and projects will be invited to attend as appropriate.
Primary PSHE Network
Meetings take place approximately once every half-term.
Secondary PSHE Network
The Slough secondary school PSHE network was set up in response to a request from Slough Youth Parliament to try and bring a more coordinated approach to PSHE across the Slough schools, particularly in the face of upcoming changes to the curriculum in the area of Relationships and Sex Education. Meetings take place approximately once a term and are facilitated by the Secondary PSHE Network Steering Group.