Early Years Provider Updates | COVID-19 Edition 35

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Service Lead for Early Years and Prevention, Michael Jarrett, for the attention of the Early Years Sector.

Please find below communications from the Early Years and Prevention Service to keep you informed of various different initiatives and government updates from 18/05/2020.  We hope you find this informative and if you have any suggestions about content please contact us on earlyyears@slough.gov.uk.

It is important to keep in contact with families during this time, so please share this information across all of your contacts.

What’s New

As you all know (hopefully) this week is Mental Health Awareness Week and now more than ever it’s important to be kind to ourselves and others. Our Public Health website has lots of resources, information and tips to help you look after your mental health, www.publichealthslough.co.uk/services/mental-health-wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Week

Information on mental health awareness week and booking places on webinars can be found here.
Health and Wellbeing of CYP

The University of Oxford are conducting a free online survey which will assess the health and wellbeing of CYP in schools across Slough and include questions relating to the current pandemic. After the online survey is completed and analysed by University of Oxford, schools will receive a full report on the findings.

To learn more about the survey please click here
COVID-19 | Family Support Offer

The current Coronavirus epidemic and the lockdown measures that are in place, can present new challenges for children and families however there is still support available. Please find attached final version of the COVID-19 Family Support Offer and some national support information ‘COVID-19 Mini First Aid’.

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Return to School Wellbeing Support

Please find attached  ‘Return to School Support pack’ developed by Medway, there are resources that might be useful for Slough schools/Early Years settings.

New Government Updates for 18/05/2020

Statement from the UK Chief Medical Officers on an Update to Coronavirus Symptoms on 18 March 2020

New information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms has been announced. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/statement-from-the-uk-chief-medical-officers-on-an-update-to-coronavirus-symptoms-18-march-2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Guidance for Educational Settings

Guidance for schools and other educational settings about the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Updated information on symptoms is available here.

Education Secretary's statement on Coronavirus (COVID-19) on 16 May

Education Secretary on the Government’s response to the outbreak of coronavirus and plans to begin returning to school safely is available to read here.

Supporting Vulnerable Children and Young People During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

Guidance for education settings and local authorities about children supported through social care, with EHC plans or identified as vulnerable by their school or local authority. Updated guidance to reflect wider plans for more year groups to return to education settings, stating that vulnerable children and young people remain a priority, and are expected to attend if appropriate.

We have not changed the groups included in the definition of vulnerable children, but have provided further examples of what types of children might be considered to be ‘otherwise vulnerable’, at the education provider’s discretion. We have also included updated links to Public Health England advice.

For read article in full detailing all of the guidance in place please click here.

Actions for Schools During the Coronavirus Outbreak

What schools need to do during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Updated guidance with the actions that schools will need to take in preparation for the wider reopening of schools on 1 June 2020. Click here to view the full article.

Actions for Early Years and Childcare Providers During the Coronavirus Outbreak

What childcare services early years settings, childminders and local authorities need to provide during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Updated guidance including adding a new section clarifying the position on welcoming back all children to early years settings from 1 June, information on when childminders can reopen to more children, and what provision they can currently provide, information on testing for essential workers, and information for parents on temporary changes to the 30 hours free early education entitlements.  Click here to find out more.

Overview of Scientific Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Department for Education’s response to issues raised regarding the science on Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be accessed here.

Keeping in Touch and Targeted Support for Early Years Settings

During this unfamiliar time the team would like you to know that we are here to offer you support, in whatever way you may need it? We are on the other end of the phone or email and will continue to provide you with daily email updates. Even if you are currently closed the team can offer a range of support from discussing government guidance documents to reviewing local area initiatives.

We understand that this is a difficult period for everyone and in these uncertain times it can often help to share concerns, questions and queries with others, so please do keep in contact and pick up the phone anytime for a catch up.

You can email and call individual members of the team or for general enquiries contact earlyyears@slough.gov.uk or call 01753 476554.

If your setting is currently still open and are considering closure please discuss with the Early Years Service and for further information, advice or guidance please contact the team on 01753 476554 or email earlyyears@slough.gov.uk.


Early Years and Childminder Settings |  Reopening from 1st June 2020

Following the Governments announcement on the proposed opening of nursery and childminder settings from 1st June 2020, the Early Years Team would like to support all Slough settings with preparing to reopen their setting. The Early Years Team will be making contact with all settings to discuss your plans and offer our support.