Message from the Director of Public Health

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's COVID Schools Programme Officer, Heather Cook on behalf of The Director of Public Health for East Berkshire, Stuart Lines. This is for the attention of all schools.

Following a review of the data and on the basis of an assessment of the risk to public health the decision to implement enhanced measures in schools, over and above national guidance, was made by the Board on 7th June.  It was agreed that the measures would be in place until the end of term in the areas that were undertaking surge testing, but that the Board would review the position in the interim. 

The data shows that the situation is considerably worse since the recommendations were made. The rates per 100,000 at the time of the decision have significantly increased to 154.2, 140.7 and 125.1 in Bracknell Forest, RBWM and Slough respectively, along with the number of cases and close contacts in schools having to self-isolate. 

In addition, feedback from headteachers has been (given the data and the situation they are dealing with in their schools) there is support for retaining the enhanced measures until the end of term.

It is therefore proposed to the Board to retain the position, as initially proposed, until the end of the school year.