This seminar has been brought to you by Pioneer Educational Trust, predominantly aimed towards Senior and Middle Leaders. Those in a leadership position may find this beneficial, as well as Teachers from Early Years to A-Level.
Exciting news! Following the success of our Women Leading in Education conference, our next event will be held this November exploring key aspects of Chartering Diversity in Educational Leadership.
The day will consist of 4 key note speakers presenting:
Vivienne Porritt #WomenEd: Chartering the future course of Leadership
Exploring our current world of women in leadership, delving into the reality of our now and the strides being taken to establish a new body at the Chartered College of Teaching.
Dr Terri Kim #BAMEed: Changing the perspective within Leadership
Building on her paper “Cracking the concrete ceiling”, Dr Kim will be discussing some of the insights and opportunities for organisations looking to change the culture within.
Hannah Jepson #LGBTed: Challenging antiquated Leadership
Unpicking the fabric of now, what initiatives can we uncover to drive leadership forwards? What is outdated? What needs to be changed?
Clare Griffiths #DisabilityEd: Innovation in Leadership - Self & Others
Exploring identity and reality, what aren’t we thinking about when recruiting, developing or creating long term career pathways? Isolating the current traits in education, what can we do to re-work leadership; self and others
Following on from our key notes, there will be some deep dive insights into leadership relevant to each of the topics explored. With a choice of facilitated breakout sessions for you to attend, focused around Challenge, Change, Charter or Innovate, we bring some real world examples of leadership into the room, to pick apart and understand our new normal.
Throughout the course of the day we hope to truly pull at the threads of our current “normal”, to challenge, engage and support you as we explore these and what they mean today.
We will stretch your comfort zone in a way that engages your thinking and your mindset. This will, without doubt, be an amazing experience, and we would love for you to join us.
Click here to register for this seminar