Pioneer Presents... Hannah Wilson

This seminar has been brought to you by Pioneer Educational Trust's Professional Learning, Simone Tilbury, for the attention of all those in a leadership position, predominantly aimed towards senior & middle leaders in Schools or Early Years settings.

Investment is one our core values at Pioneer Educational Trust. Why? As educators, we have one of the most rewarding careers. Each year, with each new cohort of children, we are afforded the opportunity to mould the future. To mould a future that goes beyond our locality and impacts our world. There is no investment more worthy than providing inspiration, aspiration and hope to young minds full of curiosity and ready to pioneer.

However, although extremely rewarding, teaching can be equally as challenging. As educators, we must work harder to collaborate and support one another, celebrating and recognising each others' strengths.

In the spirit of collaboration and aspiration, we cannot wait to welcome our next keynote speaker, Hannah Wilson, to inspire us to be 'hopeful' together.

Hannah Wilson is the Executive Headteacher of Aureus School & Aureus Primary School, part of the GLF Schools trust. Hannah is an experienced and interesting Head Teacher who will be providing insights about leading in Schools.

She is the Strategic Lead for the GLF Teaching School Alliance and the Sub-Regional Strategic Lead for the SE Women Leading in Education Network for Oxon, Berks and Bucks (NCTL).

Hannah Co-Founded a grassroots gender equality movement and is a National Leader for #WomenEd.

She is a DfE coach for the Women Leading in Education initiative.

Want to know more...?

Blog: The Hopeful Headteacher

Website: |

Twitter: @Ethical_Leader |

LinkedIn: Hannah Wilson