FazAmnesty Community Action Day – Thursday 10 April

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council on behalf of Slough Children First for the attention of all schools.

As mentioned, following the success of the Community Action Day in Langley in November, FazAmnesty is working with Slough Children First, Slough Borough Council and Communities Against Violence (CAV) to hold another event in Cippenham.

The Community Action Day will take place on Thursday 10 April a Cippenham Community Centre, Earls Lane from 12-4pm. It is aimed at children, families and young people and will be a great chance to connect with families and young people in Cippenham.

If you would like a stall or have an activity you would like to offer for the day, please let Rebecca Curley, Community Safety  –  Serious Violence, Risk and Exploitation Partnership Officer (secondment) rebecca.curley@slough.gov.uk and Rhiannon Dineen, Youth Justice Case Practitioner  Rhiannon.Dineen@sloughchildrenfirst.co.uk know.