Pioneer Educational Trust | Pioneer Presents... Inner Armour

This seminar has been brought to you by Pioneer Educational Trust's Professional Learning, Simone Tilbury, for the attention of Senior and Middle Leaders. This seminar would be beneficial for all teachers from Early Years to A Level and those in any leadership position may find this beneficial.

ELSA Training

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Education Psychologist, Catherine Watson, for the attention of Teaching Assistants working in Slough Schools.

Slough School Improvement Board Meeting

This meeting consists of representatives from Primary and Secondary phases. The Director of Children Learning and Skills (Cate Duffy) will also attend when necessary along with a member of the Teaching School Alliance Board (STSA). This meeting is chaired by Slough’s Service Lead for School Effectiveness, Johnny Kyriacou.

Food and Safety Training

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years and Prevention Childcare Development Co-ordinator, Clare Thompson, for the attention of Early Years Providers.

Food and Safety Training

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years and Prevention Childcare Development Co-ordinator, Clare Thompson, for the attention of Early Years Providers.