This message has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Public Health Programme Officer - Physical Activity and Obesity, Timothy Howells, for the attention of primary schools.
Prevent is a key strand in the government’s counter-terrorism strategy, also known as CONTEST. Local authorities are seen as having a major role to play in preventing people from being drawn into terrorist activity – whatever the ideology behind it. The aim of Prevent is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The government regards Prevent as a key part of CONTEST and does not believe it is possible to resolve the threats we face simply by arresting and prosecuting more people.
Each Local Authority must have a primary and secondary Fair Access Protocol, agreed with the majority of schools in the area. The purpose of the protocols is to ensure the most vulnerable children are placed in school as quickly as possible. Schools and the Local Authority agree which groups of children are considered under the protocol and how they will be placed in schools. The normal admissions arrangements do not apply for these children. The primary and secondary Fair Access Protocols are attached and these are reviewed regularly to ensure they remain effective.
Schools are funded by the government through the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). Each local authority will have a Schools Forum who advise the council on the allocation of the DSG. Members of Schools Forum are either headteachers or governors in Slough Schools. Further information about Slough Schools Forum can be found here. (Add link to Schools Forum page on council website).
Slough Borough Council (SBC) commissions services including on behalf of schools to benefit from economies of scale.
Commissions include Sophos, Egress and SaLT. Contact: Service Lead for Commissioning, Partnerships & Performance, Rodney D'Costa:-
Safeguarding children and young people is everyone's responsibility. However, school and education staff play a unique role due to their frequent contact with children and families and the relationships that develop over time.
Slough Family Information Service (FIS) offers FREE impartial information and guidance about a wide range of services for children, young people and their families in response to statutory duty placed on local authorities.