Local Early Years Immunisation Training Offer

This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Public Health Lead, Uche Obasohan, for the attention of all Early Years Staff. 

The SCW Improving Immunisation Uptake Team are excited to announce the launch of a free of charge 1-hour training session aimed at supporting Early Years settings in raising awareness of the importance of routine childhood immunisations and improving immunisation uptake rates across Thames Valley & Surrey. This training has been developed on behalf of NHS England.

The training sessions will be available across six different dates and times to offer maximum flexibility for attendance. The 1-hour sessions will be virtual, and individuals only need to attend one of the free available sessions. The training will be delivered throughout June and the first week in July 2024 by experienced nurses specialising in childhood immunisations. The training session is aimed at Early Years providers, including nurseries, family and children’s centers, childminders, and preschools. The session will highlight the importance of routine childhood immunisations and the significant role Early Years providers play in supporting the UK’s routine immunisation programs.

We recommend attendance by individuals interested in becoming ‘immunisation champions’ alongside staff who regularly communicate with parents/carers, and those handling new child registrations. It may be beneficial for larger settings if a minimum of 2 staff members attend.

Your participation will play a crucial role in safeguarding the health and wellbeing of children and maintaining a safe environment in Early Years settings. This is a timely opportunity to support the NHS England national campaign to increase the uptake of the MMR vaccine amid rising measles cases. We have attached an introductory presentation and the Early Years Managers Information Sheet that provides a summary of the project. Participants will also receive a free information guide and other free useful resources to further support the training.

Kindly see below a table of available dates and time – Click on the link to book your training session place at your earliest convenience - https://buytickets.at/nhsscw1/1268083

A table with a schedule

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