New Headteachers Welcome Event

This meeting is for the attention of new Headteachers to Slough to be able to meet key officers in the council and be welcomed to the town.

Prevent Training Update

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Workforce Development Co-ordinator, Hazel Thorpe, for the attention of practitioners in Early Years settings in the private and voluntary sector including Childminders in Slough.
The training will be repeated where you will be registering for one of the following dates:

11th September

20th September

10th October

23rd October

8th November

11th December

This will be an update for staff who have attended in the past and suitable for new staff who have not complete this training before. 
Please select register by clicking on the green "register" button located on the right hand side and select your training date.

Aims of Session

Understranding Prevent aims,

Think about who may be vulnerable to Extremism and Radicalisation - all forms,

See why some people are able to influence and manipulate others to commit crimes,

Recognise when a vulnerable individual may be in need of help,

Be clear on what help and support looks like in the area,

Who you should turn to if you have concerns, and

Look at the threats, risks and vulnerabilities.

Please note: Refreshments will only be available at the start of the session.  Parking at St Martins Place is limited.  There is a free car park at Montem Sports Centre, your car registration must be logged at St Martins Place upon arrival.

This training will be delivered by Slough Borough Council's Prevent Co-ordinator.

Paediatric First Aid Course

This course has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Workforce Development Co-ordinator, Hazel Thorpe.  This training is for the attention of practitioners in Early Years settings in the private and voluntary sector including childminders in Slough and surrounding boroughs.
Please click on the green button to register located on the right side.  Upon registering please ensure you pay offline by selecting "other" as you will be invoiced separately 14 days post event for payment.

It is a requirement to attend both days of the course to complete the full 12 hours and fully participate in activities during the training. 

If you register for Saturday 29th September 2018 you will be committing to the following dates:

Saturday 29th September 2018 | 9:30 - 16:00

Saturday 6th October 2018 | 09:30 - 16:00

If you register for Saturday 3rd November 2018 you will be committing to the following dates:

Saturday 3rd November 2018 | 9:30 - 16:00

Saturday 10th November 2018 | 09:30 - 16:00

Please note the above dates cannot be mixed as they are set dates.

Paediatric First Aid 12 hour course
This 12 hour Paediatric First Aid hour course meeting Ofsted requirements, is a nationally recognised qualification in Paediatric First Aid which is valid for 3 years.
The training leads to appointed person status, providing information on the essentials of first aid for the care of children and babies including: Anaphylactic shock, burns and scalds, choking, bleeding & resuscitation, head injuries, epilepsy, allergic reaction, poisoning and exposure to cold and heat, asthma attack, meningitis and febrile convulsions.
Assessment is undertaken in order to ensure that delegates fully understand the requirements for first aid and are able to carry out protocols in CPR and emergency treatment.

Please wear suitable clothing as you will be practicing first aid procedures which will be conducted on the floor.
You will need to provide your own lunch on these days. Tea and coffee will be available throughout the training.
There is limited parking available at St Martins Place.  There is a free car park at Montem Sports  Centre where your vehicle must be logged at St Martins Place upon arrival.

Designated Safeguarding Forum (Primary)

The DSL Forum provides information and guidance to promote and assist in effective multi agency collaboration to co-operate and discharge their statutory responsibilities effectively relating to safeguarding children and young people at risk.  This may include updates from speakers in specialist safeguarding practice areas on occasion.

Purpose of Group:
The Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) Forum will facilitate and coordinate a culture that embraces safeguarding as everybody’s business and ensures schools provide a safe system that safeguards children and young people.
It will provide a networking forum for school DSLs to keep up to date on the latest safeguarding issues both nationally and locally.
The forum will provide information and guidance to promote and assist in effective multi agency collaboration
to co-operate and discharge their statutory responsibilities effectively relating to safeguarding children and young people at risk. This may include updates from speakers in specialist safeguarding practice areas.

1. To strengthen the strategic communication with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards (LSCB) and Slough Borough Council (SBC) Schools Effectiveness team.
2. To provide a networking forum for school DSLs to keep up to date on the latest safeguarding issues and develop a relationship with the safeguarding partnership
3. To disseminate the latest safeguarding updates and briefings and provide support and professional development for DSLs
4. To be able to take time to reflect on and share best practice in a group setting
5. To advise schools on actions required following national inquiries; and national and local safeguarding reviews undertaken by external agencies (e.g. Ofsted, NSPCC) or internally across local providers in relation to safeguarding(e.g. LSCB, SBC), and to share learning from reviews to prevent repeat incidents.
6. To inform needs led safeguarding commissioning intentions for the future including plans to train staff in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues through the LSCB.

The forum is aimed at school appointed Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) professionals in Slough.
Author: Jatinder Matharu Date: 11 January 2018
For the purposes of this forum schools will include all nursery, primary and secondary education provision. The forum is open to all maintained, community, voluntary aided, free, academies, faith and independent schools.
Relationship to other partnership forums
The DSL forum discussions may be fed back into the LSCB Education Sub group.
This will enable appropriate co-ordination and cohesion in terms of priorities for business plans and their operational delivery.

Jatinder Matharu, Education Safeguarding Officer - Children, Learning and Skills, Slough Borough Council will lead, organize, chair and circulate the papers for the meetings.
The group is jointly responsible for informing and shaping the agenda, sharing of local contextual information to inform discussion/debate at the forums and regular attendance. The agenda items for discussion will vary dependent upon local need and issues but will remain open and flexible for schools to include areas they wish to discuss around key priorities or issues. The chair will attempt to seek out solutions to facilitate discussion and debate.

Frequency of meetings:
The DSL Forum will meet termly (3 times per year). Meetings will be scheduled on an annual basis working to a 12 month forward calendar.
Other forms of communication will include a termly safeguarding newsletter and access to a schools exclusive web portal.

Working methods:
Only anonymized information will be shared in the forums therefore no information sharing protocols will be required.

Review Date of terms of reference:
These Terms of Reference will be reviewed and revised on an annual basis or as required if significant changes occur through national and /or local arrangements.
Date: January 2018 / Review Date: January 2019

Prevent Training Update

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Workforce Development Co-ordinator, Hazel Thorpe, for the attention of practitioners in Early Years settings in the private and voluntary sector including Childminders in Slough.
The training will be repeated where you will be registering for one of the following dates:

11th September

20th September

10th October

23rd October

8th November

11th December

This will be an update for staff who have attended in the past and suitable for new staff who have not complete this training before. 
Please select register by clicking on the green "register" button located on the right hand side and select your training date.

Aims of Session

Understranding Prevent aims,

Think about who may be vulnerable to Extremism and Radicalisation - all forms,

See why some people are able to influence and manipulate others to commit crimes,

Recognise when a vulnerable individual may be in need of help,

Be clear on what help and support looks like in the area,

Who you should turn to if you have concerns, and

Look at the threats, risks and vulnerabilities.

Please note: Refreshments will only be available at the start of the session.  Parking at St Martins Place is limited.  There is a free car park at Montem Sports Centre, your car registration must be logged at St Martins Place upon arrival.

This training will be delivered by Slough Borough Council's Prevent Co-ordinator.

Prevent Training Update

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Workforce Development Co-ordinator, Hazel Thorpe, for the attention of practitioners in Early Years settings in the private and voluntary sector including Childminders in Slough.
The training will be repeated where you will be registering for one of the following dates:

11th September

20th September

10th October

23rd October

8th November

11th December

This will be an update for staff who have attended in the past and suitable for new staff who have not complete this training before. 
Please select register by clicking on the green "register" button located on the right hand side and select your training date.

Aims of Session

Understranding Prevent aims,

Think about who may be vulnerable to Extremism and Radicalisation - all forms,

See why some people are able to influence and manipulate others to commit crimes,

Recognise when a vulnerable individual may be in need of help,

Be clear on what help and support looks like in the area,

Who you should turn to if you have concerns, and

Look at the threats, risks and vulnerabilities.

Please note: Refreshments will only be available at the start of the session.  Parking at St Martins Place is limited.  There is a free car park at Montem Sports Centre, your car registration must be logged at St Martins Place upon arrival.

This training will be delivered by Slough Borough Council's Prevent Co-ordinator.

Designated Safeguarding Forum (Primary)

Author: Jatinder Matharu Date: 11 January 2018

Terms of Reference
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) Forum

Purpose of Group:
The Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) Forum will facilitate and coordinate a culture that embraces safeguarding as everybody’s business and ensures schools provide a safe system that safeguards children and young people.
It will provide a networking forum for school DSLs to keep up to date on the latest safeguarding issues both nationally and locally.
The forum will provide information and guidance to promote and assist in effective multi agency collaboration
to co-operate and discharge their statutory responsibilities effectively relating to safeguarding children and young people at risk. This may include updates from speakers in specialist safeguarding practice areas.

1. To strengthen the strategic communication with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards (LSCB) and Slough Borough Council (SBC) Schools Effectiveness team.
2. To provide a networking forum for school DSLs to keep up to date on the latest safeguarding issues and develop a relationship with the safeguarding partnership
3. To disseminate the latest safeguarding updates and briefings and provide support and professional development for DSLs
4. To be able to take time to reflect on and share best practice in a group setting
5. To advise schools on actions required following national inquiries; and national and local safeguarding reviews undertaken by external agencies (e.g. Ofsted, NSPCC) or internally across local providers in relation to safeguarding(e.g. LSCB, SBC), and to share learning from reviews to prevent repeat incidents.
6. To inform needs led safeguarding commissioning intentions for the future including plans to train staff in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues through the LSCB.

The forum is aimed at school appointed Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) professionals in Slough.
Author: Jatinder Matharu Date: 11 January 2018
For the purposes of this forum schools will include all nursery, primary and secondary education provision. The forum is open to all maintained, community, voluntary aided, free, academies, faith and independent schools.
Relationship to other partnership forums
The DSL forum discussions may be fed back into the LSCB Education Sub group.
This will enable appropriate co-ordination and cohesion in terms of priorities for business plans and their operational delivery.

Jatinder Matharu, Education Safeguarding Officer - Children, Learning and Skills, Slough Borough Council will lead, organize, chair and circulate the papers for the meetings.
The group is jointly responsible for informing and shaping the agenda, sharing of local contextual information to inform discussion/debate at the forums and regular attendance. The agenda items for discussion will vary dependent upon local need and issues but will remain open and flexible for schools to include areas they wish to discuss around key priorities or issues. The chair will attempt to seek out solutions to facilitate discussion and debate.

Frequency of meetings:
The DSL Forum will meet termly (3 times per year). Meetings will be scheduled on an annual basis working to a 12 month forward calendar.
Other forms of communication will include a termly safeguarding newsletter and access to a schools exclusive web portal.

Working methods:
Only anonymized information will be shared in the forums therefore no information sharing protocols will be required.

Review Date of terms of reference:
These Terms of Reference will be reviewed and revised on an annual basis or as required if significant changes occur through national and /or local arrangements.

Date: January 2018 / Review Date: January 2019