SEND Partnership Board Meeting

This meeting is attended by LA colleagues and partners.

Date of next meeting: 10 July 2018
Time of next meeting: 14:00 - 16:00
Location of next meeting: Beechwood Conference Centre

Please note this meeting is by invitation only.

LSCB Education Sub Group Meeting

This meeting is attended by school, college representatives, governors and LA Colleagues.

Date of next meeting: 10 July 2018
Time of next meeting: 10:00 - 12:00
Location of next meeting: St Martins Place, Venus 2

Please note this meeting is by invitation only.

Virtual School Governing Body

This meeting is attended by Board Members and Partners.

Date of next meeting: 5 July 2018
Time of next meeting: 17:00 - 18:00
Location of next meeting: St Martins Place, Room 1

Please note this meeting is by invitation only.

YOT Board

This meeting is attended by Board Members and Partners.

Date of next meeting: 18 June 2018
Time of next meeting: 11:00 - 13:00
Location of next meeting: Beechwood Conference Centre

Please note this meeting is by invitation only.

Early Help Board Meeting

This meeting is attended by LA colleagues, Headteacher and STSA representatives.

Date of next meeting: 14 June 2018
Time of next meeting: 09:30 - 11:30
Location of next meeting: Beechwood Conference Centre

Please note this meeting is by invitation only.

School Improvement Board Meeting

This meeting is attended by LA colleagues, Headteacher and STSA representatives.

Date of next meeting: 12 July 2018
Time of next meeting: 14:00 - 16:00
Location of next meeting: Saturn Suite 1, SMP

Please note this meeting is by invitation only.